King's Pub Payerne

halloween party, le 31.10.2007

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L'une des soirées les plus mémorables du King's Pub!


3 commentaires trouvés, ouverte 2405 fois, 42ko.

Jdaujdltwg -- posté le 19.05.2017 à 11:34:57


-- posté le 08.02.2017 à 07:50:01

We too bid slightly over ask with what we thought was a strong offer. Snowflake #2 is on the way shortly, so we were conservative with our DP (still significant, and financing is secured)… not wanting to totally deplete our reserves in case there are any unforeseen issues.And the gist was we lost out to someone with a larger DP. I guess if you have equal offers, you need to break the tie somehow.We can commiserate together. First round on me.The upside for my wife is that the &#n2&6;push-prese8t1#8217; is back on the table for her. : )

1050 -- posté le 26.07.2010 à 14:28:03

XDiMFz pmqkwijvtstx, [url=]hahieygqjmii[/url], [link=]diqpgobrnfok[/link],

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