King's Pub Payerne

halloween party, le 31.10.2007

Cette galerie a été vue 23986 fois.
Elle comporte 84 images et 9845 commentaires.
La galerie pèse 2804ko.

L'une des soirées les plus mémorables du King's Pub!


2 commentaires trouvés, ouverte 2565 fois, 33ko.

-- posté le 08.02.2017 à 07:54:40

I’m surprised to hear that they were easy to deal with and cleared things up. Since the amount was so small I didn’t even bother, but the line items on that bill were shocking. We’ve had a good laugh about it since and makes for a good story over a few beers Ikea…..oh boy. I’ve been there too. AT&T is the worst I’ve dealt with in the private sector. When we moved from San Francisco to Philly I honestly was thankful I’d never deal with them ag2;na30i..only to arrive and find Cingular was bought by them and I was again their customer. Oh well, thanks for commenting Angela !

1050 -- posté le 28.12.2010 à 20:41:13

WtwD57 pizaikcjyoyl, [url=]xniqzyrxlwnv[/url], [link=]ziupweokrdjx[/link],

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